EAPH.com iDrive2 "Template Helper"
Simple Text Editing
Screen by Screen Tutorial 3
Template Helper
Tutorials Menu

This tutorial covers:

  • Loading a template into the WYSIWYG Editor
  • Replacing existing text with new text
  • Applying and removing Bold, Italics, and Underline
  • Centering, Indenting, and Outdenting
  • Using copy and paste to duplicate text formatting from other places within a template
  • Changing text color and font
  • Applying a background color to text (highlighting)
  • Creating simple headings
  • Creating a simple chart
Be sure to scroll down far enough to also view the captions below the screen shots
See "Instructions for increasing screen size" below if needed

Slide 1
The web browser you are using either does not have javascript enabled or is not compatible with iDrive2 or Template Helper. I suggest using FireFox2 that you can download free at www.mozilla.com

Those of you who may not feel confident to install a template yourself, just ask me to do it for you. My help is available to all EAPH.com hosting members - rob@robshelp.com

If you are curious to see the whole sample template at this stage in development you may view it here: GolfBalls 2 - use your web browser's back button to return to this page. This version of the sample template does not yet have functioning links. Additional tutorials will be created using this template to demonstrate various editing capabilities available with the Template Helper. But, you don't need to wait for them! Thorough instructions including Step By Step are included in the Template Helper itself.

Instructions for increasing your web browser screen size

If you are having trouble fitting the tutorial slides along with the captions into your viewing window first try maximizing the window. If that doesn't do the trick try using the "Full Screen" option in your web browser's tool bar under "View".

Give iDrive2 a try along with all its features: EAPH Try the Demo

Template Helper Tutorials Menu: Template Helper Tutorials

Other help, instructions, and tutorials available here: EAPH Help and Information Center