EAPH.com iDrive2 "Template Helper"
Installing a New Template
Screen by Screen Tutorial 1
Template Helper
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iDrive2 is a suite of tools available with EAPH.com hosting membership designed especially for eBay sellers. Included is a Template Helper that enables sellers to use pre-designed templates more flexibly and efficiently. For many, the Template Helper alone may be reason enough for signing up with EAPH.com.

Pre-designed (or custom) templates, such as those acquired on the web or on eBay from template designers, can be intimidating to use because editing of HTML source code is usually necessary to replace URLs and text content. It can also be a very frustrating experience to accomplish what would seem to be simple adjustments such as inserting more photos and/or text at additional locations within the layout. The Template Helper assists with such tasks.

By effectively "reading in" a template through an install process (the subject of this tutorial) the Template Helper enables content changes to templates without having to edit the HTML directly. The install process only needs to be done once per template. Thereafter the template remains available in the Template Helper for creating as many different presentations (pages or item descriptions) as desired through use of a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editor. Each presentation created can be saved separately and re-loaded at a later date and time for revision or as the foundation for creating additional presentations. All sellers, even those with HTML skill, will especially enjoy the ability to perform quick and efficient substitutions of photos and text.

How to acquire a template:

On eBay or the web you may purchase a template to use for your item listings or web pages. You'll be surprised at how little you'll need to pay for a pre-made basic template. For an additional fee many template designers will expand any given template to include customized graphics such as a logo with your store name or eBay seller ID.

When the sale is complete the designer will either send you a set of files or provide a link to a location on the web where you go to get them. The set of files will normally include image files (the graphics used within the template) and at least one file that contains the HTML.

I've created a sample template for the fictitional business name "Sports Center Equipment" to show the relative ease with which you may install templates into the Template Helper. When you purchase a template you should create a folder to put the files into on your computer. I've put the files for the sample template into a folder on my computer named "sportscenter". Below is a screen by screen tutorial showing how to proceed from there:

Be sure to scroll down far enough to also view the captions below the screen shots
See "Instructions for increasing screen size" below if needed

Slide 1
The web browser you are using either does not have javascript enabled or is not compatible with iDrive2 or Template Helper. I suggest using FireFox2 that you can download free at www.mozilla.com

Those of you who may not feel confident to install a template yourself, just ask me to do it for you. My help is available to all EAPH.com hosting members - rob@robshelp.com

If you are curious to see the whole sample template you may view it here: Unedited Sample Template - use your web browser's back button to return to this page. This version of the sample template does not yet have functioning links or actual item text and photos -- that's what the Editor is for! Additional tutorials will be created using this template to demonstrate various editing capabilities available with the Template Helper. But, you don't need to wait for them! Thorough instructions including Step By Step are included in the Template Helper itself.

Instructions for increasing your web browser screen size

If you are having trouble fitting the tutorial slides along with the captions into your viewing window first try maximizing the window. If that doesn't do the trick try using the "Full Screen" option in your web browser's tool bar under "View".

Give iDrive2 a try along with all its features: EAPH Try the Demo

Template Helper Tutorials Menu: Template Helper Tutorials

Other help, instructions, and tutorials available here: EAPH Help and Information Center